How It Works
This page summarizes about working of
How it Works
This site Named & styled as with its logo Nuera is hosted by EraSoft Infotech.
Erasoft Infotech is an IT firm with its primary focus (but not limited to) on Healthcare IT solutions.
Erasoft Infotech host many domains. is one amongst them with aim of providing Doctor List, Hospital List, Diagnostic centers list, Pathology (Lab) list,
List of Ayurvedic Doctors, Homeopathic doctors, Alternative Medicine, Institutional Healthcare List, e.g. Speech therapy centers, Centers for disabled children, Physiotherapy centers, Yoga centers, Gymnasium, Gym, Obesity clinic and so on.
It provides a robust search engine where you can find a doctor in a particular city, by selecting city.
You can find a doctor, Find a hospital or other center by selecting their speciality
After selecting doctor or hospital/healthcare center user or visitor can book appointment of doctor of his choice.
Find best doctor and book appointment :-
Its clinic & booking scheduler is so unique that it accomodates multiple clinics of a doctor in single screen. From this screen you can scroll to dates and can select any available time slot.
This booking scheduler for doctor provides good amount of flexibility. It gives a range of time in which a patient is supposed to reach a doctor's clinic. It doesnot block time slot of doctor. If one patient books an appointment for particular time slot, that time slot is still available to other patients, because we are not giving exact time but rather a time range. This specially thought and worked feature makes our appointment booking scheduler way ahead of other doctor appointment booking sites.
At one can find List of Hospitals. List of Hospital according to city, List of Hospital according to speciality or departments. Once you select an hospital, site gives you option to list doctors according to departments or doctor's name. From that list visitor or registered patient or even colleague doctor can book appointment for that doctor or department in the hospital.
Message alert :-
Once you book appointment for doctor or hospital, you get an alert on your mobile number through sms and on email. While site doesnot sends such messages to doctor or hospital admin. Instead they are provided with an android or iphone app. Where they can see booking list of different clinics on different dates.
Through this app they can mark a patient visited/cancelled or reschedule. They can also write a message if they are not able to attend clinic. On doing that a request to reschedule appointment will be sent uniquely to only those patient which were due to visit in given period.
Registering as patient :-
Site provide signup for patient. A patient can register to nuera for free but he has to provide his unique ID, which may be his email or any unique identification number provided by state government or as may be decided by team Erasoft. Nueradr may adopt to verification process and may opt only to allow a person to register after verification. Once patient is registered, He/She can sign in and site laid him/her to patient dashboard from there he can see doctor’s list, search doctor according to speciality or his nearby locations, can search hospitals, search clinics, pathology centers or other institutional healthcare providers. He can book appointment for docotr/centers of his liking. He can see all his past activites. Like his booked appointments, Doctors's visit list, He can save his favorite doctors and from there he can book appointment for that doctor without going to find a doctor panel. Registered patients can reschedule his appointment or cancel his appointments as well.
Site provides feed back or review button for doctors/hospital as well they can share their favourite doctor to facebook, twitter, linkedin or other social media sites.
Site also provides feedback form for any suggetions, query, or request regarding site contents or functioning.
Site uniquely provides a separate button to report a doctor. If patient feels that some doctor is involved in unethical practices, has falsified his qualification, or is not punctual or accepting appointments from nuera, he can report same to us. We are in process of creating an algorithm through which we can verify the reported doctor and we can go to the extent of blocking or delisting that healthcare provider from our site. This delisting or blocking will be done anonymously(without disclosing name of reporting person).
Registering as Doctor or Registering as Healthcare provider :-
Site provides signup for doctor. After filling form doctor/healthcare provider is provided with a login ID and password. After verification his login will be activated. Once doctor is verified he can add his personal info, image, he is allowed to add seven clinics out of which 4 as regular clinic* and 3 as weekly/monthly clinic**. He can add time schedule for each clinic. Now his booking appointment screen is ready. Patient (registered or visitor) can see doctor's listing, degree, speciality, fellowships, training, special interests, doctors experience, doctor consultation fee. His clinic map. Patient can send feed back for doctor, can share doctor to social site like facebook, twitter, linkedin, instagram, google+ etc.
Healthcare provider by registering and creating profile agrees that information provided by him is true to the best of his judgement. (Read terms & conditions)
Healthcare provider through his login can manage his profile, image, practices. Can see his activity log. He or his employee can book appointments and mark a patient visited as new or followup visits. Its booking appointment communicate well with the Nuera EMR. (Doctor's EMR are available from Erasoft and are specialized for many specialities).
Hospital management system (HIMS) or clinic management system (OPD Management) and Laboratory management systems (LIS) are paid subscription and available through Erasoft infotech site.
For detailed features of NuEra EMR, NuEra HIMS, NuEra LIS, NuEra Pharmacy Management System, Please visit